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Studio Policies

At Be Yoga SI, our intention is to create a warm, welcoming space that allows our practioners to deepen their understanding of themselves, and the practice of Yoga. We have created some guidelines that we ask all of our students to follw being a practioner at Be Yoga SI. 

Policies & Procedures

Our Studio is our Sanctuary, we ask that you honor the space as sacred. 

  1. Be ready for practice on your mat , with your props at the beginning of class start time.

  2. No shoes in the studio.

  3. Silence or lower the volume of your cell phone while you are practicing. 

  4. No cellphones or any electronic devices allowed inside the studio. If you bring them in, you will be asked to leave them in the waiting room.

  5. Please mind your personal hygiene. Wear clean clothes. Bring a clean mat and clean towel in.

  6. Refrain from wearing strong smelling perfumes and colognes.

  7. Move around the space and move your props with care and quietness. 

  8. If you practice on a studio mat, please wipe it down with mat cleaner, roll up tightly and place in the basket. 

  9. Honor yourself, the students & teacher in the room by being mindful of your tone of voice and movement around the space.

  10. ​When meditating or when class is running, practice silence and be mindful of creating any distractions.


All Purchases at Be Yoga SI are Non-Refundable. This includes, memberships, all class purchases, workshops & trainings & retreats. On a case by case basis, a phone discussion may be had to discuss a possible  credit towards Be Yoga Studio. You can email Larissa at to discuss.

Be Yoga & Dance

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